Technology Approval Group (TAG)

Our Technology Approval Group (TAG) has been running since 2005 with the mission of bringing companies together with
innovators to try to progress the adoption of technologies which will change the water industry for the better. Isle has a global team
of technology scouts who identify and track the latest innovations in the market and curate a list for our members to vote on and the selected innovations are subsequently offered the opportunity to present their pitches. Since TAG’s inception, it has grown to be a global offering, with municipal and industrial TAG members
all over the world.

European TAG has evolved based on our deep understanding of our members needs and also as a result of the depth and breadth of our
expertise, which, as a global consultancy contributes substantial value to our members. TAG 2.0 is our current offering
which is outlined below and aims to bring innovative technologies and innovative thinking to solve our members’ most pressing water management

If you would like to learn more about adoptable innovation related to the water industry and how we can help you adopt innovation
within your organization, please do get in touch with our Head of TAG, Erin Zhang.

TAG Source

Monthly dose of innovation, presenting the latest and greatest adoptable technology (TRL7+) that aligns to the needs of the UK water sector. Opportunity for discussion with innovators as well as learn from fellow UK&I & EU TAG members.


Four deep dive interactive sessions that bring together the best of Isle’s knowledge and expertise globally to find practical ways to solve the pressing challenges. Isle will curate an agenda with a mix of the latest research, technologies (across TRLs), best practice and thought leadership.


Annual in person event bringing together the Isle community which has been built over the past decade. A place to hear exciting highlights from our global work, share best practice and build valuable networks. Be prepared to be inspired and challenged.

TAG across the Globe

We proudly stand as a global team, unified by diverse cultures nurtured within each local region.
Europe Region
Our European operations thrive in a rich tapestry of cultures, business opportunities, and technological advancements. With a well-established market and a history of innovation, we cater to the dynamic needs…
North America
Operating in one of the world’s largest economies, our North America division brings cutting-edge solutions to industries across the United States and Canada. We collaborate with business to navigate the…
Latin America
With its rich cultural heritage and emerging markets, Latin America offers exciting prospects for our company. We engage with local communities and businesses, fostering growth and driving innovation…
Asia Pacific
The Asia Pacific region is home to a dynamic and diverse market that presents immense opportunities for our company. From established economic powerhouses to emerging markets, we provide tailored…
Global Region
As a global leader, we have a strong presence and expertise that transcends borders. Our global operations enable us to serve clients in every corner of the world. We embrace…
Africa Region
Our presence in Africa is driven by a commitment to unlocking the continent’s vast opportunities. We engage with local communities and enterprises, fostering sustainable growth…
Middle East
Home to 7 of the world’s top 10 water-stressed countries, the Middle East faces diverse challenges demanding innovative solutions. Isle’s experts help clients address sustainable water challenges.
TAG Europe Region
Our European operations thrive in a rich tapestry of cultures, business opportunities, and technological advancements. With a well-established market and a history of innovation, we cater to the dynamic needs…
TAG North America
Operating in one of the world’s largest economies, our North America division brings cutting-edge solutions to industries across the United States and Canada. We collaborate with business to navigate the…
TAG Latin America
With its rich cultural heritage and emerging markets, Latin America offers exciting prospects for our company. We engage with local communities and businesses, fostering growth and driving innovation…
TAG Asia Pacific
The Asia Pacific region is home to a dynamic and diverse market that presents immense opportunities for our company. From established economic powerhouses to emerging markets, we provide tailored…
TAG Africa Region
Our presence in Africa is driven by a commitment to unlocking the continent’s vast opportunities. We engage with local communities and enterprises, fostering sustainable growth…
TAG Middle East
Home to 7 of the world’s top 10 water-stressed countries, the Middle East faces diverse challenges demanding innovative solutions. Isle’s experts help clients address sustainable water challenges.
TAG Global Region
As a global leader, we have a strong presence and expertise that transcends borders. Our global operations enable us to serve clients in every corner of the world. We embrace…

TAG Events

Meet the Team

Meet the dedicated experts behind Isle Utilities, where passion meets proficiency. Our global team, stationed in offices around the world, collaborates seamlessly to deliver innovative solutions in water and environmental sectors.
With a focus on client satisfaction, our Client Relationship Managers ensure every project receives personalized attention, regardless of location. Discover the diverse backgrounds and deep expertise that drive our success
Alisha Syal

Senior Consultant

Amelia Liggett

Graduate Technology Consultant

Amelia Mioranza

Senior Program Manager

Bethany Neucker

Senior TAG Programme Lead

Chantal R.Kotze

Managing Director South Africa

Cristina Ahmadpour

President and Managing Director (Americas)

Denim-Reece Southgate

Graduate Technology Consultant

Ellie Hudson-Heck (PhD)

TAG Manager

Erin Zhang

Head of Technology Advisory & Adoption

Eva Martinez Diaz

Head of Sustainability and smart systems

Grace Hemsworth

Graduate Technology Consultant

Greg McNelly

Senior Coordinator

Ilana Cohen
Ilana Cohen

TAG Manager

Ioanna Livaniou

Managing Director Northern Europe

Jo Burgess (PhD)

Head Trial Reservoir Global Services

Keith Gardner

Director of Asset Management Consulting

Maria Clara Bandeira Pinheiro

Graduate Technology Consultant

Patrick Dube (PhD)

Senior TAG Manager

Rodrigo Valladares

Technology Consultant

Ronaldo Novaes Ferreira-Edit
Ronaldo Novaes Ferreira

Technology Consultant

Rosy Khoury
Rosy Khoury

TAG coordinator

Stephen Tan

Technology Consultant

Stuart Woolley

Technology Consultant & Head of Industrial TAG (Europe)

Thomas Jacks

Head of Dealflow

Victor Arroyo

Director Latin America and IFI
