Mario Lopez

Senior Adviser, Mexico

Latin America
Email Mario Lopez

Mario López has 39 years of experience in the field of water, especially in water and sanitation, climate change, integrated water resources management, legislation on water, water planning, administration of water rights, integrated management of droughts and floods, water-energy-environment nexus, green infrastructure, and transboundary basins and aquifers.

He has been a speaker, panelist, moderator and organizer of events such as World Bank Water Weeks, Rio +20, 6 World Water Forums, World Water Weeks and conferences of UNFCCC, COP RAMSAR, IHP UNESCO, among others, in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, China,, France, Finland, Guatemala, Honduras, Korea, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United States of America (USA) and Uruguay .

He holds a Master of Science degree from Reading University in Pedology and Soil Survey.
